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Her heart stopped in front of the U.S. Capitol. A Congresswoman called for help.


Her heart stopped in front of the U.S. Capitol. A Congresswoman called for help.

After Delya Sommerville went into cardiac arrest, Capitol Police responders brought her back to life. Delya spent two nights in the ICU before gaining consciousness.

Doctors found that Delya had a problem called triple vessel coronary disease. As the name implies, it means that three major arteries in the heart are blocked with plaque.

Heart-Check Mark

What's new with the flu? Here are 7 things to know

What's new with the flu? Here are 7 things to know

Flu season is shaping up to be serious, but you can take steps to protect yourself and your family.

Man in red shirt with blood pressure cuff on his left arm
Keeping high blood pressure at bay for the holidays

Keeping high blood pressure at bay for the holidays

You'd better watch out – hypertension can be a concern at the holidays. Here's expert advice on how to have fun while keeping high blood pressure under control.

He collapsed after 2-on-2 basketball game against his son. His teammate saved his life.

He collapsed after 2-on-2 basketball game against his son. His teammate saved his life.

Baltimore dad John Holschuh collapsed after playing basketball with a fellow dad and their teenage sons. Quick thinking and action from his CPR-trained friend saved his life.

Alternative therapies for heart failure may offer benefits, but some have risks

Alternative therapies for heart failure may offer benefits, but some have risks

People with heart failure should discuss their use of complementary and alternative treatments, such as supplements and yoga, with their health care team, a new American Heart Association report says.

PAD – At-risk messaging

New heart failure guide is now available

New heart failure guide is now available

Paper art of family holding hands and two paper hearts

Heart failure is a chronic condition that affects nearly 6 million people in the U.S. Healthier Living with Heart Failure will guide you on reducing the chances of further heart complications and improving your quality of life.

Fatty liver disease may increase heart failure risk

Fatty liver disease may increase heart failure risk

An abnormal buildup of fat in the liver not related to alcohol may greatly increase the risk of heart failure, according to new research.

Feast on gratitude this season – it could be good for you, mentally and physically

Feast on gratitude this season – it could be good for you, mentally and physically

Gratitude helps build social ties – and it might promote healthy behavior, too. But experts say some ways of expressing thanks can have a deeper impact than others.

Enroll now for health insurance

Enroll now for health insurance

The national Marketplace Open Enrollment runs through January 15, 2023. Consumers who enroll by December 15 will have coverage January 1. Choose between comprehensive and affordable health plans at HealthCare.gov or call 800-318-2596.

Curried pork tenderloin with cranberry chutney

Curried pork tenderloin with cranberry chutney

This sweet and tart cranberry chutney adds a delicious seasonal twist to this holiday meal.






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