In this column, stroke survivor and Stroke Onward Chief Operating Officer Flannery O'Neil shares her experience of cultivating awareness and practicing mindfulness to help stay in the present moment and ease the stress of recovery.
Quick action on the golf course resulted in rapid recovery from stroke
When George Richards couldn’t use his left arm, his friend immediately recognized the symptoms of a stroke. Within an hour, a clot was removed from his brain.
Did you know that women face a higher risk of stroke compared to men?
Stroke is the No. 3 cause of death among women. Learn the risk factors for stroke in women, and how you (and the women in your life) can manage that risk.
Just as she started a nursing career, 2 strokes changed her life course
With a loving partner, supportive family and a newfound joy in participating in charity walks, Precious Guan continues to recover and improve from her strokes.
May is American Stroke Month. Save a life by acting F.A.S.T. If you see Face drooping, Arm weakness or Speech difficulty, it’s Time to call 911. Use our online interactive experience to learn to identify stroke symptoms.
Our annual Stroke Hero Awards recognize those who educate, inspire and raise awareness about stroke. Get to know this year’s winners in all six categories: Equity, Caregiver, Pediatric, Group, Survivor and Voters’ Choice.
Depression is common after a stroke. It’s often caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, which can be made worse by brain injury. Know how to recognize post-stroke depression and learn tips to manage this condition.